
Most mechanical back pain tends to improve on its own within about six weeks if you follow the self-help strategies below. However, if you are concerned about your back pain and want us to check it and reassure you, we are here for you. If everything is good, we can give you advice to reduce the chance of reoccurrence, manual therapy, including mobilisation and massage, to help speed recovery and bespoke exercise programmes for any problems and imbalances that we find.

In the world of physiotherapy dry needling or medical acupuncture has been used to assist patients in their healing.  Karl Bevan, has integrated this technique into his treatment approach, offering a unique blend of traditional and modern methods to assist patients in their healing journey.

Supershoes for all those runners out there.

The Nike Vaporfly. So with its special foam , heel to toe carbon fibre plate and special shape.
Have a read here

Counseling patients on healthy dietary patterns is challenging. So much information abounds that it can be hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. According to Isabel Maples, MEd, RDN, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, initial diet advice should focus on encouraging patients to add missing components—most commonly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy—rather than restriction.

New evidence review concludes that adults should do strengthening and balancing exercises twice a week alongside aerobic exercise.

Warming up – the nitty gritty!

So you have done all the hard work and are ready for your race – don’t mess it up now by ignoring some of the nuances of the final bit of race prep – the warm up.

Now, this isn’t a ‘how to’ warm up guide but I just wanted to point out a few aspects for considerations.