
Warming up – the nitty gritty!

So you have done all the hard work and are ready for your race – don’t mess it up now by ignoring some of the nuances of the final bit of race prep – the warm up.

Now, this isn’t a ‘how to’ warm up guide but I just wanted to point out a few aspects for considerations.

Lower back pain is the leading cause of disability globally but too often patients are let down by the treatment they are offered, say experts. They have written a series of papers in The Lancet asking the worldwide medical profession to stop offering ineffective and potentially harmful treatments. Strong drugs, injections and surgery are generally overkill, they say, with limited evidence that they help.

Marathon MOT for the blog

Hip pain:  It may be a familiar story; You have developed pain around the side of your hip and dutifully go to your GP to find out the source. The GP sends you for a x-ray and it comes back with the dreaded diagnosis of hip arthritis.

The Perceived Rate of Effort (PRE) scale. Some people find it difficult to judge which ‘zones’ they should be working out at when doing their aerobic work. Why do zones matter? It is important to stay in the correct zone in order to hit the ‘fat burning zone’, ‘aerobic development zone’ or even ‘anaerobic zone’.

Have a go ….. It looks great fun!!
At the Physio Therapy Centre we are very excited by the changes at the Triangle! Not only has the gym moved upstairs and the equipment become more versatile, the climbing wall is nearly finished and there is also a new cafe! The Triangle is looking very good and we are proud to be associated with them!