New Triangle Climbing Wall

Climbing at the Triangle

Have a go ….. It looks great fun!!
At the Physio Therapy Centre we are very excited by the changes at the Triangle! Not only has the gym moved upstairs and the equipment become more versatile, the climbing wall is nearly finished and there is also a new cafe! The Triangle is looking very good and we are proud to be associated with them!
Being physiotherapists we just wanted to give you some starting points of how to avoid any strains when taking up new exercises!
As a general rule:
Warm up for 10 to 15 minutes on a cardio machine at a low intensity to get everything moving.
Do some simple stretches – hold each one for 20 to 30 seconds.
When you feel ready do your planned work out.
Cool down for 15 minutes on a cardio machine at a low intensity.
If you need a guide on how to work out your perceived effort rates then please look at the blog piece on our website here:…aerobic-workouts
If you are taking up a specific new sport, like rock climbing, then do some sport specific training. According to a recent publication into relative importance of four muscle groups for indoor rock climbing performance found that using the hand cycle ergometer at a medium to high intensity for 5 to 10 minutes and working on developing your arm and shoulder girdle strength. Have a chat to the Personal Trainers in the gym they are good at designing such work outs. AND if you do hurt yourself or get a muscle sprain or strain, do come to see us for a Physiotherapy assessment or a sports massage!
Happy training!
The Physio Therapy Team
Visit our website
Tel 01444 450162