superfoods: true or false?
In a recent survey of 1000 people, 61% of asked adults admitted to buying a food because they considered it a super food. 30% said that superfoods are scientifically proven to have health benefits; 14% are prepared to pay more as a result. Yet…
Long revered in Chinese medicine Goji berries for instance are reported to pep up your immunity, lift the libido, help the heart and be a counter to cancer. But the research is on mice, doesn’t properly define what the prime chemical substance is, and has no in-human studies. One of it’s main benefits is reported to be to prevent age-related eye cell degeneration via a chemical, zeaxanthin, but many other, far cheaper, foods have the as same chemical in them so will have the same effect such as spinach and cabbage…
Kale is on the list of superfoods now having risen up the rankings from lowly cattle food.It contains glucosinolates which when broken down in the gut produce glucose and isothiocyanates which have been shown to stimulate enzymes whose job it is to eliminate cancer-causing chemicals. However all brassicas contain similar chemicals and cabbage is probably just as good.
read more in the New Scientist 6th Aug 2016