I joined the PHYSIO Therapy Centre in 2014 having enjoyed an association with them as a school nurse since 2001. I have been a qualified massage therapist (Swedish and Medical) since 2000, but a persistent episode of sciatica introduced me to the Bowen Fascial Release Technique and ‘turned’ my attention to the ‘soft side’. I was so impressed by the effectiveness of such a light touch treatment, I decided to study the technique and have continued to progress my studies since qualifying in 2007.
To book an appointment or to discuss a treatment plan to suit you, please feel free to use the following contacts sussexbowen@gmail.com Mobile: 07902 955 162 Landline: 01323 833034. Facebook: sussex bowen with Nina
What Bowen Practitioners do: Bowen Fascial Release Technique
Bowen is a drug free, non-invasive, hands-on remedial therapy, which can be administered through light clothing, with the client sitting, standing or lying. The treatment involves using fingers and thumbs to make small, rolling movements over the muscles, tendons, ligaments, soft tissue/fascia at precise points on the body. No hard tissue manipulation or force is needed or used. It helps the body’s systems rebalance and promotes healing.
Bowen is suitable for men, women and children of all ages. Practitioners do not diagnose, nor do they prescribe or alter medication.
It has a remarkable record of success with clients affected by an astonishingly wide range of problems.
What is Bowen?
Bowen is considered to be Fascial work.
Fascia is a word we usually associate with the roofing industry relating to ‘bands of material’ joining one surface to another. In the human body, it is the emerging science of the connective tissue.
An elastic and often inelastic structural system that encompasses, wraps around and contributes to stability, flexibility, function and movement. Our general understanding of our muscular skeletal system has moved on in the 21st century and the fascia is at the centre of this scientific investigation.
Want to know more?
Visit www.thebowentechnique.com
The connective tissue network appears to respond well to a lighter intervention.